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Monday, March 17, 2014
Another busy week ahead.

Hello guys! This week has been hectic week! :(

Last weekend, as we all know flight MH370 was reported lost, it just mysteriously disappeared. Everyone has been trying to help search for it. Google maps was lagging, and plenty of false information was exposed. I think this week was the only week in my life i've watch CNN daily, lol. Most people who only know how to complain about how noob Malaysia is at searching the plane, get a life. Honestly its not a surprise? We already know how Malaysia is, what is there to complain about? You don't have to state the obvious. Yes, the "people in charge" is noob at these, or they may have been hiding information or doing things unprofessionally. But is this something new to you? It has always been like this, hasn't it? We've been through this. Remember "black out"? Its nothing surprising to me. All I can care about is for the lives on the plane. While everyone is busy looking for the plane, haven't we all forget those who has lost their loved ones? Imagine if you knew someone on board, it doesn't have to be someone close, just someone whom you knew. What would you feel? Would you care about how much lame effort Msia is putting into the search? Maybe to them, even a bomoh is hope. I feel so crushed, everytime the news replays a scene of those victim's family. May god save those innocent souls.

Haze. The haze for the past week has been really really bad. The API reading in Klang has reached 350 almost 400 at the stage of Hazardous. Everyone has been encouraged to wear a mask outdoors. I could barely see the buildings nearby and I wake up every morning smelling haze. It was really really bad. Also last week I took my Psychology mock test, Maths assessment and English oral. Honestly, It was disastrous. I felt like I did so bad. Sigh, everything is so hard now.

Today, It rained alot. Heavy rain otw back from college. Which is a good sign! Despite driving home from class really slowly because I could barely see anything! But overall, good news! haha, at least it can help reduce the haze. Today also, I collected my Maths assessment results. IT WAS BAD. Hopefully its not a sign for bad news throughout the week as SPM results collection is this Thursday... Choi choi choi! What am I thinking! I'll do fine! :) Heeeeeee. Must have confidence! Although I'm drop dead scared, lol. Hmm, Psychology mock test results was not too bad! Happy with it. English Oral was so so, I believe I could have done much better.

Dear all, a reminder for your RM250 book voucher (IF USE IN POPULAR BOOKSTORE) You are strictly to follow the rules of RM200 for BOOKS ONLY and RM50 for stationaries. Not too sure about other book stores but that is for Popular. I went shopping on Saturday, happy thinking I could spend RM250 on stationaries... Mana tau I had to pay everything by cash instead. Stupid voucher never inform me in advance, pfsht. SO YEAH! This was my week. As you can see, I've redecorated my room with new lights! Heheee, my room looks so pretty right now :p

Ending my post with a Quote I find very meaningful,
"Being rich is not about how much we have, but how much we give." Look around us, among the people we know, and let us think again shall we..? :)